Record-breaking Boxing Day!

Rightmove recorded its busiest ever Boxing Day as home buyers look to 2025:
- A record number of properties were listed for sale on Boxing Day 2024 – 26% higher than Boxing Day 2023.
- Volume of enquiries sent to estate agents were also up 20% on Boxing Day last year.
- Number of visits on Rightmove bounced by 87% between Christmas Day and Boxing Day, which is +3% higher than the same time in 2023.
- The number of visits also set a record, beating the previous record set in 2021.
Boxing Day is historically the busiest day a year for traffic on Rightmove but 2024 ended with a bang. Not only have we seen a great increase in potential buyers on the hunt, but it was also reordered that 26% more homes hit the market. Although this trend is seasonal it’s a great start to 2025.
At Home & Manor we recorded a great increase in traffic between the festive period. Whether you’re a seasoned home buyer, first time buyer or investor, 2025 is full of potential. Our experienced agents can provide the tailored advice to aid you in your property search or sale. Reach out today to discuss how we can help you reach your property goals and how Home & Manor can help.
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